About Us

Geoffrey Hardy, at 63 is a self confessed creative, with over USD.300 million in retail sales of his designs for Furniture and decorative objects. Geoff’s affinity has always been with the provincial classics, utilising a mix of grand and crusty patinas with Industrial finishes since the early 1970s.

With an innate appreciation for interesting and tactile materials, Geoff’s collections fuse an eclectic mix, ranging from textured timbers and rolled stone, to hand patinated metals, painted finishes, etc.

Starting in 1978, Hardy’s was the first in Australia to produce furniture & Kitchens from recycled Oregon timbers and fifteen years produced his original concepts and designs to achieve in excess of 100 million dollars of sales locally.

In 1992 Geoff visited Indonesia to meet with like minded individuals to collaborate with design and supply of product, resulting in over 2,000 lines of furniture, homewares and architectural products, some of which are available for you to view on this site today.

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