Environmentally Effective

Hardy Interiors is one of 4 founding members of Trees4TreesTM and continues to be a driving force behind its development.
Trees 4 Trees empowers local communities through partnership reforestation initiatives and related program.


Assured Quality

Our furniture is expertly crafted by hand and precision machining. Imported and local solid timbers are used along with quality laminates and composite board where applicable.

All solid timbers are kiln dried to strict tolerances. All of our furniture is monitored for moisture content at various stages of manufacture and dehumidified where necessary.

All timbers used are subject to grading and subject to treatment for insect infestation.

Finish materials are of the highest quality and consistency.

Hardy Interiors

Head Office / Factory 1

Jalan Tugu Industri No. 10
Kawasan Industri Tugu Wijaya Kusuma
Semarang - Kendal KM 12,5
Jawa Tengah, Indonesia 50153

Phone: +62 24 - 866 2222
Fax: +62 24 866 4081

Contact Us

Factory 2

Jalan Pulau Tirang No. 9
Taman Lele, Tugurejo
Jawa Tengah, Indonesia 50151

Phone: +62 24 - 866 3264
Fax: +62 24 - 866 1524
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